
Thu, Nov 03

23:54 取り急ぎ目の前通過につき。 (@ nammune) http://t.co/wiC32ugO 23:54 I just ousted @namike3 as the mayor of nammune on @foursquare! http://t.co/2CAPuCI5 21:18 深夜の池で三次会。 (@ 洗足池) http://t.co/h4Cv0R7m 21:18 I just unlocked the …

Thu, Nov 03

23:54 取り急ぎ目の前通過につき。 (@ nammune) http://t.co/wiC32ugO 23:54 I just ousted @namike3 as the mayor of nammune on @foursquare! http://t.co/2CAPuCI5 21:18 深夜の池で三次会。 (@ 洗足池) http://t.co/h4Cv0R7m 21:18 I just unlocked the …